Marketing Innovation

Jennifer and Team are on the cutting edge of marketing, crafting a personalized marketing strategy for each client.

Getting It Sold

Digital Advertising

Digital Advertising

Highly targeted web ads marketed specifically to the property demographic, reinforced with a powerful retargeting program through Corcoran’s national alliances and resources is one of many tools to get maximum exposure.

Print Advertising

Print Advertising

A majority percentage of our buyers live locally, so we target this audience through coastal and national high-end print publications. Jennifer uses many local and national publications to deliver the message.

Email Marketing

Email Marketing

The most direct, influential connection to the vast local and national network is reached through consistent and engaging email marketing concepts. Jennifer and her team deliver updates 3-4 times each week using this extremely effective tool!

High-End Marketing for Engaging Exposure



Property photography is the very first impression that a potential buyer receives. Quality, professional exposure drives faster sales, as Jennifer only sources the best photographers across the industry.

Drone + Videography

Drone + Videography

Taking to the skies & video fly-throughs allow buyers the opportunity to experience the home from anywhere. Quickly becoming the #1 sales tool for luxury properties, we offer some of the best in the business!

Social Media

Social Media

The most direct, influential connection to the vast local and national network is reached through consistent and engaging email marketing concepts. Jennifer and her team deliver updates 3-4 times each week using this extremely effective tool!

Social Media, Supercharged.

Exclusive to Corcoran, the cutting-edge Social AI Engine automatically puts your property in front of the right buyers at the right moment.

18x Higher Ad

Performance than the Industry Average

319% Increase

In Traffic to Listing Pages

21% Average

Click-Thru Rate

NYC Properties Boosted with Adfenix have:


More Page Views


More Conversions


Corcoran is the first large brokerage in your market to utilize artificial intelligence and big data in social media advertising on a company-wide basis.

Every single one of our properties is advertised on social media through Corcoran's Social Al Engine. We are able to identify people who are searching specifically for your type of property and show them your property's ad. This leads to millions of more visits to our listings every year compared to the competition. Our Social Al Engine is collecting and analyzing all that data in real time so we can show your property to the people most likely to buy it right now.

*Disclaimer: Participants can opt into this program using their ad budgets. None of the named companies are affiliated with or endorse Corcoran. Whether a specific listing is included on any site can very depending on region, property type, availability, and other criteria. These publishers are just a sampling of the hundreds of sites to which property ads may be served.

We'll Build A Tailored Digital Campaign For Your Home

We maximize your listing's exposure with custom targeted digital advertising. Rather than casting a wide net, your listing ad will only target qualified buyers and will appear to those buyers on the hundreds of sites they already frequent.

*Disclaimer: Participants can opt into this program using their ad budgets. None of the named companies are affiliated with or endorse Corcoran. Whether a specific listing is included on any site can very depending on region, property type, availability, and other criteria. These publishers are just a sampling of the hundreds of sites to which property ads may be served.


Direct Mail Campaigns + Targeted Weekly Email Campaigns

A listing is more likely to generate a quick response when it’s marketed properly and widely within the first 30 days on market. Direct mail campaigns, combined with synergistic email campaigns, complete a proactive approach to announcing a new listing to the local market, making every effort to keep a fresh approach as the campaign series unfolds. Email marketing is the main strategic tool for promoting price updates, open houses, events and property highlights. Jennifer markets several times per week in a strategic plan to keep interest fresh.

Work With Us

For the most intimate market knowledge and white glove service, reach out to Jennifer to determine your property value, how to win the negotiation battle, and much more.

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